速報APP / 教育 / The Official DVSA Hazard Perception Prac

The Official DVSA Hazard Perception Prac





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:St Crispins Duke Street Norwich NR3 1PD

The Official DVSA Hazard Perception Practice(圖1)-速報App

Prepare to pass your hazard perception test first time with the ONLY OFFICIAL Hazard Perception app. Great practice for ALL road users, even if you’ve already passed your test. Brought to you by DVSA, the people who set the tests.



The Official DVSA Hazard Perception Practice(圖2)-速報App


1. Official practice clips – includes 30 official DVSA practice hazard perception clips in a variety of environments and road conditions, so you’re well prepared for your hazard perception test

2. Learn from the people who set the tests – who better to prepare you?

The Official DVSA Hazard Perception Practice(圖3)-速報App

3. Know what to expect on the day of your test – watch the official DVSA video, which introduces and explains the hazard perception part of the theory test

4. Works offline – once you’ve downloaded the app you can use it any time and in any place that’s convenient for you.

Please note:

The Official DVSA Hazard Perception Practice(圖4)-速報App

There are 30 hazard perception clips in this app. To get you started quickly the first installation contains three clips. When you’re ready you can then download the other 27 clips in three easy instalments. Simply click on one of the greyed-out clips to start the download process.

The Official DVSA Hazard Perception Practice(圖5)-速報App